
Blueberry & lemon cheesecake


For the base:
1 x 250g packet plain wine biscuits
1 cup chopped nuts (walnuts/almonds/pecans etc)
Finely grated zest of 2 small lemons (or 1 large)
125g melted butter

For the sauce and topping:
125g fresh blueberries (1 punnet or 1 cup)
2 tbsp lemon juice
¼ cup caster sugar
¾ cup water
1 tbsp cornflour dissolved in ¼ cup of cold water
125g fresh blueberries, extra
Water to thin, if needed

For the filling:
250g cream cheese, softened
500g mascarpone cream
⅓ cup icing sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp finely grated lemon zest
1 cup (250ml) cream


Prepare base:
– Prepare a 24cm springform pan by greasing the sides and lining the base with non-stick baking paper.
– Crush the plain wine biscuits and nuts until they resemble fine crumbs, either in a food processor, blender, Nutribullet (a third at a time) or by putting in a plastic bag and crushing with a rolling pin.
– Add crushed mixture to a bowl with lemon zest, pour over the melted butter, and mix until combined.
– Press the crumb mixture into the base of the pan firmly and evenly by using the back of a spoon.

Prepare sauce and topping:
– Add 125g blueberries, lemon juice, caster sugar and water to a medium saucepan, and stir over a medium heat until thickened and a deep purple colour, about 5 minutes.
– Add the cornflour and water mixture and stir over a medium heat until combined and translucent.
– Pour into a bowl and put into the refrigerator to cool.

Prepare filling:
– In a large mixing bowl, use an electric beater to mix the cream cheese, mascarpone cream, icing sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest until smooth, but do not overmix.
– In a separate bowl, whip the cream with an electric beater until stiff peaks form (do not overmix).
– Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture until just combined.
– Swirl half of the cooled blueberry sauce through the cheesecake mixture, stirring loosely.
– Spread the cheesecake filling evenly over the crumb base.
– Cover with cling film or tinfoil and refrigerate for 5-6 hours, or overnight.

When the cheesecake is firm and ready to serve, mix the remaining blueberry sauce mixture with 125g fresh blueberries, and add extra water if the mixture is too thick.
Spread over the top of the cheesecake and chill for 30 minutes before carefully removing cheesecake from the springform pan. Remove baking paper, and transfer to a serving plate.
Keep the cheesecake refrigerated until ready to serve.

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