
Raw blueberry cake


For the base:
2 cups oats
1 cup almond meal
8 medjool dates, pitted and soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes
3 tbsp peanut butter
2 tbsp maple syrup

For the cake:
2 cups blueberries
3 cups cashews, soaked overnight (or for 1 hour in boiling water)
1/2 cup coconut cream
1/4 cup maple syrup


Line a cake tin with baking paper and soak your dates.

To make the base add all of the ingredients to a food processor and blend until combined (the mixture should be a little sticky and hold when you press it together.) Tip into the cake tin, press evenly to form a base, and place in the freezer to set.

To make the raw cake add the soaked cashews, coconut cream, maple syrup and blueberries to a blender and blend until smooth. Pour on top of base and place in the freezer to set for 2 hours.

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